O Programa GEOPI da CGG está buscando um estagiário (graduação) para trabalhar na nossa área de GeoSoftware. A empresa tem interesse em alunos dos cursos de matemática, física, geofísica, geologia, engenharias que tenham interesse em trabalhar com Desenvolvimento de Softwares (Geofísica).
Abaixo seguem maiores detalhes da empresa e do processo:
Data do processo seletivo: 1ª quinzena outubro/2014, com previsão de início para 2ª quinzena outubro/2014.
Os interessados devem encaminhar CV para brl.recruitment@cgg.com (Até 01 de outubro).
GeoConsulting Intern
Our Company:
CGG (www.cgg.com) is a fully integrated Geoscience company providing leading geological, geophysical and reservoir capabilities to its broad base of customers primarily from the global oil and gas industry. Through its three complementary business divisions of Equipment, Acquisition and Geology, Geophysics & Reservoir (GGR), CGG brings value across all aspects of natural resource exploration and exploitation.
CGG employs 9,500 people around the world, all with a Passion for Geoscience and working together to deliver the best solutions to its customers.
Job Profile:
The objective of this internship is to undergo a benchmark of standard Petro Elastic Models (PEMs which are links between rock properties and elastic attributes) using several datasets representing different reservoir facies (clastic, carbonate, shale/unconventionals). The PEMs to be tested include:
- the unconsolidated sandstone model (based on Hertz-Mindlin and Gassmann theories);
- the inclusion model (based on Küster-Töksöz theory);
- a simple volumetric average model.
This work will be performed using CGG’s RockSI software. In order to speed-up the tests some improvements will be required amongst which:
- adding the possibility to take snapshots of the visual displays (cross-plots and log views);
- adding a panel with the statistics (CC: coefficient of correlation, R2, NRMS: normalized root mean square of the mismatch, NAE: normalized average error) that allow to quantitatively assess the match between model predictions and measurements;
- adding a panel with cross-plots of selected predicted versus measured logs.
Required Education & Experience:
- Student current enrolled in the second or third year in Geophysics, Geology, Reservoir Engineering, Physics or Mathematics;
- Good knowledge of software development (C, C++);
- Capacity to work on Linux environment;
- Ability to organize and prioritize multiple tasks;
- Ability to communicate effectively both written and oral;
- Commitment to maintaining confidentiality and professionalism;
- Hands-on, organized and strongly committed with team work;
- Previous experience as an intern will be a plus.